Many thanks to those who attended the rally, from the club members who helped set up and manned the doors and Bring & Buy, traders who came and offered something for everyone to see and buy, and the visitors who made it another great rally.
Again members of the club will be going up the hill to operate a portable station for the Practical Wireless 144MHz QRP contest on Sunday 9th June 2024. We will be using the callsign GM4YEQ/P.
The contest runs between 0900-1500 UTC (1000-1600 Local/BST). We’ll likely be on-site by 0915 (local) if not earlier for setting up.
We’ll be at the usual “Middle Swire” location between the Yarrow and Ettrick valleys 6 miles west of Selkirk.
All club members are welcome to come and visit and catch up for a few hours, assist with setting up or operating, or operate your own sets on HF away from urban QRM.
Or if not able to come to the site, please give us a shout on 2m simplex FM or SSB if you hear us (144.150-144.397MHz is the SSB range). Someone will likely be scanning simplex channels 145.200-575MHz through the day. The more contacts we get (even local ones) the more points we get multiplied by the number of locator squares. Calling CQ on 145.500 isn’t allowed so don’t just listen for us there (nor on the repeaters)! Individual members may be monitoring repeaters and calling channels though if you want to make contact with someone in the group.
Exchange will be signal report, serial number (if you’re not participating then give 001 for your first contact) and your Maidenhead grid reference (or approximate location if you don’t know it as it still counts as a contact just not a new grid square).
Visitors should bring their own food and drink if they’re staying all day. Bring suitable clothing in case it’s windy or wet and footwear suitable for a grass field (with sheep droppings!). Dogs under strict control.
Lost and Found: Found a pair of glasses with grey translucent frames left at the Canny Components stall. GDARS club has them, contact us by email if they’re yours.
NOTE (21/10/2023): Rally still on! Not badly affected by Storm Babet, just a little soggy and windswept. All weather and flood warnings finished on Saturday.
This year’s Galashiels Rally and Open Day will take place on Sunday 22nd October 2023. Venue is the Volunteer Hall, St John Street, Galashiels TD1 3JX.
Note that this is NOT the weekend of changing the clocks as previous years but is the weekend before to avoid the CQWW SSB contest weekend.
Doors open for general admission at front doors at 11:00 BST.
Disabled/accessible entry and early book-in of Bring and Buy items only at 10:45 BST at rear door. (Table traders entry at rear door from 08:00.)
Admission will be £2.50 per person, with free entry for under 16s accompanied by an adult.
CASH ONLY at the door. Change will be given but we appreciate having correct change for faster entry.
A sticker will be provided for exit and re-entry.
Confirmed traders (as of 18th October): Bob McClements GM4CID (Club Stall, Used equipment) Alan Clegg (valves etc) Mirfield Electronics Canny Components Mick Hunter (Batteries, Memory cards etc) Tony Kruszelnicki from TK Electronics in Lincoln Perth Repeater Group Pete Bates GM4BYF RSGB (Books, Memberships) Ken Elliott GM4NTX Dave Bagshaw GQRP Club Michael Wills Gavin Chalmers GM0ALW Fraser MM0HCD DX Maps (Michael Whitehead) John 2M0YTN Paul GM0EDJ (Elderslie ARS, SK equipment)
Bring & Buy Stall (50p Book-in charge, 10% Commission up to £10 maximum) Catering with hot and cold refreshments.
Any trader queries or traders not already booked but wanting to check table availability please email Jim Keddie GM7LUN (
Location: The Volunteer Hall St John Street Galashiels Scottish Borders TD1 3JX (Google Plus Code 9C7VJ57R+WV ) (What3Words///practical.diner.voltage)
Galashiels town, click to zoomGalashiels town centre, click to zoom