2024 Rally and Open Day – Sunday 27th October 2024

This year’s Galashiels Rally and Open Day will take place on Sunday 27th October 2024.

This is the last weekend of October so the morning of the clocks changing back an hour.

Venue as usual is the Volunteer Hall, St John Street, Galashiels TD1 3JX.

Traders booked so far (as of 22nd May 2024):
Alan Clegg (valves etc)
Mirfield Electronics (Martin Stokes)
Canny Components
Mick Hunter (Batteries etc)
Tony Kruszelnicki (TK Electronics)
Perth Repeater Group
Peter Bates GM4BYF
Ken Elliott GM4NTX
Dave Bagshaw

More to follow.

Bring & Buy Stall
Catering with hot and cold refreshments.

New email for traders queries: rallytraders @ galaradioclub.co.uk
(The address rallytables was mistakenly given out but will also redirect automatically to rallytraders.)
General enquiries about the rally (not traders) to rallyqueries @ galaradioclub.co.uk

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