Some of our club members again activated the Whitrope Heritage Centre near Hawick in this year’s Railways On The Air event.
Different callsign from usual WRH, which no doubt created some confusion when the QRZ page corresponding to the WHR callsign gives details of another station.
A good weekend was had by all, despite drizzly rain most of the first day then heavier rain on the Sunday afternoon.
74 QSOs were made over the weekend.

Station operating from the carpark of the centre. Thanks to Dave H MM0HTL for use of the caravan and awning.
Transceiver: Kenwood TS-430S
Antenna Tuner: Yaesu FC-902
Amplifier: Yaesu FL-2100B putting out about 200w peak.
Antenna: UK Antennas End-fed multiband antenna (40/20/15/10m)

Many thanks to the Waverley Route Heritage Association for allowing us to set up in their carpark at Whitrope again this year. Thanks also to Dave S GM0KCN, Dave H MM0HTL and Steven MM0ILC for organising, helping set up, and operating the station for the weekend, and other club members visiting during the event.
QSL cards will be on their way to stations contacted.